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Franchise Owners Association of Chicagoland

Franchise Owners Association of Chicagoland

Nominations for FOAC Board are now open!

Attention: All FOAC Franchisee Members (store owners)
RE: FOAC Board of Director’s Nominations

The time has come for nominations of the 2024 FOAC Board of Directors candidates. It’s an exciting time to be a part of the 7-Eleven FOAC Board and if you’ve ever thought of joining, this is your opportunity! All current FOAC members in good standing are eligible to run for the board.

Eligibility Criteria for Contesting Election and/or Nomination

• The Franchisee and all locations franchised by such Franchisee under the FAOC membership must be in good standing.

• The Franchisee cannot have any of their location as member(s) of any other FOA in the nation at the time of the nomination.

• There shall be a one (1) term ineligibility period for any current and or former FOAC member who previously served as a member of another FOA to run for an Officer/or a Board Member position.

Please note that the new term for the elected board members starting January 2025 will be for a period of 3 Years. The following election shall be held before the last day of the year 2028 for a term of three years. Thereafter, all terms shall be for a period of three years.

Please take a moment to fill out the portion below with your name, market and all store numbers that you have franchised. You may nominate yourself or fellow franchisees who are interested in joining the board. Nominees will be contacted by phone to confirm their interest. Eligible nominations will be compiled and included on the ballot for election on Thursday, November 21st at the Matrix Club, Naperville, IL. All nominee submissions must be received by email to no later than Friday, November 8th. No exceptions

Your attention to this matter is important in directing the future accomplishments of your FOA. Please take note. One nomination form per member franchisee.

Thank you,

Jaimin Pandya
FOAC President
(630) 886-5252

Click here to nominate yourself or a fellow franchisee.

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